One day in one of the private TV Pay: National (leographics: I saw a story of a life's journey opossum species in Africa; shown to the mother during the birth of her son in a hole in sufficient quantities (more than 10 cows). According to the narrator at the end of many species are born, which can survive only 2 or 3 heads only. Why is that? Then the movie continues as babies speciesgrew up with being fed by its mother, which strangely has not attained sufficient maturity, the mother leaves the children without leaving any food supplies. Soon victims falling and falling because of hunger, pain, etc., are eaten by the dead bodies of the living, one at a time down to 6 tails. Please note until this period were all the chicks-chicks of the species no one has dared to come out of the hole, until finally there was the one that tried to pop out, peering out of the hole, when he saw there was some tail predators (Hyna) which oversees and target their species and then go back into the nest. However, the food supply is not there anymore. Accompanied by hunger and fear of the target of the predator came forth with one of these chicks look of brother / sister to another, when it came out predators (Hyna) are after him, but this species has a fairly good agility than predator-predator, finally puppies this one made it out of the target area and other predators, and then given a picture seedlings managed to get their food by eating ants on plants and timber.The rest of the other with 5 tails stunned to see the success of one of her relatives who managed to get food with courage and agility so that one of these species with reckless and without calculation again out of a desire driven by the hunger for the very, very boldly and without calculation him out of the nest is a great pity because without calculation and only driven by extreme hunger, then not long after leaving the chicks of this species was killed instantly devoured by predators (hyna) in the presence of the four tails of other species. These four species are plagued by fears that most extraordinary, the hunger is upon them all. But one of the species, began studying the environment outside their nest, occasionally go out for fishing hyna-hyna these predators to study the movement and weaknesses of his opponents. After making sure the puppies are learned then out of this one with three pairs of eyes followed by the other puppies. Therefore, the preparation of the puppies that was worked out and survive. Not long after there was a puppy again trying to follow it out, but so hyna the predator challenges, go back into the nest of a seedling. In fear of trauma, one puppy who has learned the brothers / sisters who else has managed to gain "freedom" began to try out, with calculation of steady then run out the seedlings and, SUCCESS ... Then what about the rest of the other two chicks, apparently chicks that one still traumatized when trying to get out of the nest. With a body shuddered with fright and extreme hunger he hugged his brother the other one, which turned out to be even worse, because from the beginning it is only fear that is upon him from the beginning up to that point. Without the need we know we must know the end of the story of the last two puppies is unlike the story of three puppies that have been worked out and get a "natural freedom" and live happily. Having observed seedling species apparently lives are not much different from the lives of young people. Even after we observe the tail species sixth trip in search of freedom represent the nature of the human character in meeting their needs. Man from the beginning already have properties derived DNA "Fear" & Greed "that has been handed down by our ancestors when he was still in the Garden of Eden; Greedy DNA we received when Eve was tempted by the serpent to take the Knowledge of Good & Evil Fruit (assuming his name Chromosome Y) , when it was challenged and tempted Eve desire to be like God by eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, while the DNA "Fear" is obtained when the husband was Adam because of his love to his wife so much he "Fear / Fear" (chromosome X) loss beloved spouse who has violated the messages given directly by God not to eat the fruit; then from there the DNA Fear & Greed are felt thick in every line of human life today.Particularly in the investment world; aroma "Fear & Greed" is very strong and thick dominate the market, in fact the market moves driven and motivated by "Fear & Greed" itself.The actors in the market are like puppies sixth species of the story at the beginning, nothing works, there is a loss, othersNo one went along. But if we look at the story has a great meaning: for seedling-seedling species apply the principle of "Out of the hole, or disappear". The same is true for all human life on earth, especially in the investment world "invest or die" for those who dare to take a step ndak "Giant Step" to invest their funds will run out sooner or later swallowed by inflation shocks like a puppy- seedling species were afraid to come out of their nest holes, but those who make an investment without first studied in detail, they will pay dearly as the second species of saplings.Scbelum we go any further it helps us see what it means to invest according to Wikipedia: "According to economic theory, investment means the purchase (and thus the production) of capital / capital goods which are not consumed but used for the production of the upcoming (producer goods) . examples include building a railroad, or a factory, clearing land, or putting oneself through college. "In other words, investment is someone who uses / dispense funds to purchase or can also make "something" with the hope that he would receive more benefits than have been issued in the future. Please note the underlined word: hope; meaning of the word means to be successful as expected, but it may also not work as expected before.Why is that? Suppose someone opened a factory, but there is political turmoil in the country that hampered factory production, the expected results (Return of Investment / ROI) may be longer or not be able to return if the country's political situation is not good, or someone invested funds to the beloved children's education (send to university) in the hope that one day he can succeed and be a person, but it could have such expectations not materialize, let alone when he graduates, jobs are limited, so children must be unemployed, There are also people who invest their money in the bank in the form of certificates of deposit (which he said was the most secure), but in the way the bank could go bankrupt. This topic can be studied in more detail in the risk of investment.TYPES OF INVESTMENTInvestment in the sector is divided into investment and investment REAL FINANCIAL sector. What is meant by a real investment in the general investment theory is an attempt to manage money or assets directly to the type or specific business areas such as setting up factories, setting up shop or form could also be the company or purchase land, homes and lungunan or buy gold and so on, to then resold. Foreign direct investment is also called as real investments (real investment)The real economy itself divided into:Manufacturing SectorAn economic activity that processing of raw materials, raw materials, semi-finished or finished goods to be higher usefulness; contained within this sector are also sector-based chemical (chemical), transportation, agribusiness, automotive; including the metals industry and textiles and shoes. Food and beverage industry are also included in this sector.Property SectorThe understanding of the property sector is associated with all sectors ranging from residential buildings, apartments, shopping malls, buildings and property.Technology SectorIs the sector that includes businesses related technologies such as television, film media, telecommunications equipment, computers, and other gadgets.Service SectorUnderstanding of the business sector is the sector that focus on business services in which there is no physical manifestation traded, because its services are traded.While the financial sector or better known as paper assets are divided into:DIRECTThis means that investors define and manage their own products targeted investment. Such as:Jakarta Futures ExchangeFutures exchange is an entity that organizes and provides systems and / or facilities for buying and selling commodity futures and options contracts based on futures contracts. Product of the commodity futures exchange provides forex, precious metals (such as gold, silver, and others), as well as other commodity goods such as corn, palm oil, crude oil, and so on.CAPITAL MARKETIs the market for long-term financial instruments that can be traded, either in the form of debt or equity capital, both published by the government, public authorities, and private companies.Examples are traded:StockSecurities issued by the corporation or State-Owned Enterprises, in which the securities are indicating ownership or entity from the owner of the company. The company has been able to establish his company sells majority stake to the public, to obtain alternative nonbank financing (without having to return funds received), as compensation the company will provide its financial statements are open to the general public especially the shareholders of the issuer company and will distribute its dividend every year in proportion to the shareholders of the issuer company.BondBonds are debt securities issued by a body corporate can be from the private sector and also from the government could order the company can get nonbank financing alternatives other than going public, by way of debenture mcngeluarkan to clients (buyers) that the public at large. Community bond buyers should pay attention baloon maturity of the bonds as well as the method of payment whether full or partial fund shinking shinking fund, as well as the par value of the bonds. Which can issue bonds not only issuers corporate issuers, but also sovereign state can issue bonds as in Indonesia, for example Treasuries or better known as SUN. If the United States is better known as T-Bills, T-Notes, and so on.INDIRECTThat is done by the management of the investment fund manager, or one / some traders.Collective InvestmentThe contract between the investment manager and custodian banks that bind holders of units in which the investment manager is authorized to manage the portfolio of a collective investment and custodian banks authorized to conduct collective custody. Examples of the State Savings Bank; Tbk., Will release in 2010 beragunan collective investment contracts worth nearly Rpl trillion of assets.Mutual FundsMutual funds under the Capital Market Law 95 years is a container used to collect funds from investors to be invested in a portfolio of securities by the investment manager.So in mutual funds, there are 3 important elements that are interrelated to each other, namely:1. Collection of public funds by collecting funds from the pemodalnya allows investors-investors who have minimal funds can contribute to investing in securities.2. Investment funds in the form of portfolio securities are defined as securities securities, such as debt instruments, commercial paper, stocks, bonds, evidence of debt, investment units, collective investment contracts, futures contracts on securities, and any derivatives of securities, either effects of debt and the equity, such as options and warrants.Portfolio of securities managed by mutual funds can be a collection of some types of securities (not just similar).3. Managed by the investment manager. The investment manager is pihakyang manage its business portfolio for clients or managing collective investment portfolios for a group of clients, not including insurance companies, pension funds, and banks that conduct business activities based on its own laws and regulations.As for the types of mutual funds in Indonesia isMutual Funds ClosedIn this type of mutual fund, if the investor wants to sell his unit, he could immediately sell it to the market. Prices established in the market also depends on supply and demand that occur.Mutual Funds OpenMutual fund is intended that the fund managers are always ready to buy back or redeem units owned by the investor at any investor wants to sell it, according to the net asset value per share or per unit.
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